House of Esther Ministry is a non-profit, faith-based initiative that endeavors to provide services to Greater New Orleans Community and surrounding areas by supplying referral services and emergency financial assistance to those at the risk of becoming homeless through community outreach efforts. Our mission was birth through supporting displaced Hurricane Katrina survivors wishing to return to New Orleans by providing information to them about housing in the New Orleans area and assisting individuals and families that were in the transition process with emergency financial assistance. The agency was a stepping stone for transition back into the various communities that were available for habitation, bringing healing to communities and providing needed resources that promote a higher quality of life in New Orleans. We have continued our efforts through the years to serve the community of Greater New Orleans and surrounding areas by helping to improve the overall standard of living of its citizens and rebuilding lives through a holistic approach of providing information for life opportunities through outreach efforts. We empower individuals and families through faith-based outreach efforts making a connection with neighborhoods that are at risk for crime, violence and drug addiction offering opportunities for enhancing their spiritual, mental, and physical well- being by providing much needed material about health, education, employment, economic, and life prospects. H.O.E.M. proposes to create an “ionic bond” with the heart of the people who find themselves in unforeseen tragedy, devastation, or economical ruin. Our motto is VISION + PASSION + EDUCATION + ACTION + DEDICATION = TRANSFORMATION. House of Esther Ministry strives to enable persons to embrace the transition process and form new lives in the New Orleans Community, eventually providing funding for transitioning and forming new fulfilling lives in our communities. We reach out to them, searching for those who may find themselves in limbo after the effects of disaster, loss, devastation, or tragedy such as Hurricane Katrina or experiencing a struggle due to life problems or mayhem. We attempt to serve all human beings regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual orientation. This agency is an equal opportunity service and employer. Our endeavors have spanned over a 10 years and continue to strive to provide health, healing, and help to those in need. |
Who Is Esther?Esther 4:15...I will go to the King, even if it is against a royal decree, and if I perish, I perish! Queen Esther, from whom the ministry is named, was a woman of influence in scripture that embraced her destiny and risked all that she was and had to bring deliverance to others. It is our desire at House of Esther Ministry to encourage those who find themselves counted as the outcasts of society; reminding them of how valuable they are to God; and helping them realize their worth in our communities as a whole! Vertical Divider
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